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9 Signs and Symptoms of Diabetes in Children

type I diabetes is often called juvenile diabetes because of the fact that it is usually diagnosed in adolescents. Having regular checkups is definitely going to go a long way towards finding out if your child has diabetes or not, but even more important than having regular checkups is knowing the signs of juvenile diabetes. […]

12 Foot Care Tips for Diabetics

One of the most common areas of the body to experience problems when you’re diabetic is your feet. This is unfortunate because your feet are one of the most important body parts you have. They hold you up when you’re walking or standing, they get you from point A to point B – whether you’re […]

5 Things that Cause Diabetes

Diabetes is a serious illness that affects millions of people all over the world. In the United States, nearly one out of ten people have it, with a total of 29 million people. Fortunately, it is a manageable disease, and with insulin and the right diet and exercise plan, someone with diabetes can live a […]

16 Symptoms of Type 1 Diabetes

Diabetes is a serious and life-changing condition that causes an individual to stop producing insulin. This is called insulin-dependent diabetes because the sufferer will thus become completely dependent on insulin injections in order to be able to absorb and use sugar that comes from their diet. Insulin is produced by cells called islet cells. Once […]